A New Approach For Increasing Your Sales

A New Approach For Increasing Your Sales

This sales article is directed primarily to those who sell products and services to businesses. There are two main avenues to increasing your sales. First, find more customers to buy your products. Second, encourage your current customers to buy more. In the first case, there is no guarantee that your sales will increase. You may [...]

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Sales Training Can Be The Difference Between Success Or Failure

Sales Training Can Be The Difference Between Success Or Failure

Every day I have the opportunity to interview salespeople to determine whether I want to spend time training them in the knowledge and skills of selling.  I don’t want to waste their employer’s money if the salespeople are not committed to improving their skills, allowing them to produce more profit for their employer.  I feel [...]

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The Rewards of Sales Success

You might think I’m sick and demented, but I’m sitting on the beach South of Cancun on the Mayan Riviera writing my sales article for this week. The Caribbean Ocean is crystal clear with a light blue and turquois color. The coral sand is shimmering white and the consistency of flour. The waiters, patrolling the [...]

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10 Sales Myths

Since most salespeople do not have a formal education in selling, other than the schooling of experience and mentoring, they become fair game to believing myths, urban legends and partial truths. I have listed ten common myths accompanied by the true sales principles. In most cases, the myth and the truth are not far apart. [...]

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The Four Plagues Of Sales Success

The other day I was teaching a group of seasoned salespeople a handful of basic, core principles that will make even the best salesperson better and when applied, make an average salesperson excellent. As I began the workshop, I asked the question, “What are you trying to accomplish as a salesperson?” All of their answers [...]

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True Salesmanship Is Focusing On The Prospect, Not Yourself

If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to understand the other person’s point of view and see things from his eyes as well as from your own. Action springs out of what we fundamentally desire and the best piece of advice which can be given to would-be persuaders, whether [...]

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