My Wife Hates Salespeople

That fact alone makes my life complicated. We have been married for the most wonderful, incredibly happy 39 years of our lives. Four of those years I was a student and for thirty-five years I have been a salesperson. When I act like a salesperson, Peggy suffers tinges of regret. When I ask her what [...]

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Don’t Believe For One Moment That Your Salespeople Are Even Close to Being the Best They Can Become

As business owners we have been gradually lulled into believing that the performance of our salespeople is satisfactory. After all, if our sales people could do better, they would. Wouldn’t they? Salespeople come and go, some staying longer than others, some better than others. We tend to judge current and future performance based on past [...]

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We Have All Been Given A Great Gift – TIME

Everything we do in life relates to both time and activity. We have a choice every day regarding these two precious gifts. Time comes with birth and requires no effort, whereas, activity is born of knowledge and belief. Time continues regardless of what we do, but we do have a choice as to how we [...]

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Dare To Dream, Risk Failure, Challenge “The Norm” And Overcome Mediocrity

By definition and experience, most salespeople are average.  Salespeople are average, not by genetics or design, but by nature.  They are lazy, lack adventure and are most comfortable “blending in” without making waves or bringing attention to themselves.  Most salespeople have no idea what they are capable of achieving and therefore, achieve far less in [...]

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Sometimes the Best Sales Advice is the Same Advice

Several years ago I worked for an organization that was very goal focused. At the beginning of each year we would anxiously await the new corporate goals and eagerly focus our efforts on their achievement. One year we received four goals very broad in scope. There were many avenues of potential achievement within each of [...]

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Why Salespeople Don’t Close Every Sale

It is possible to close every sales opportunity, but it typically never happens.  Even when a salesperson does everything right, the buyer is still the one in control.  They have the ultimate and final word and because of that, sometimes a sale is not made that should have been closed.  Here are ten principles that [...]

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