Sales Manager Program

The Business Performance Group has been managing sales organizations for more than ten years with excellent success. The typical company either has an ineffective sales manager or does not have one at all. To use the analogy of sports teams, they all have managers to extract the best performance from their players. We train, monitor and motivate salespeople to achieve top performance.

Here is what our Sales Manager Program can do for you:

1. Reduce overhead costs associated with sales management by hiring The Business Performance Group on a part-time basis to accomplish far greater sales results than either management or a full time Sales Manager has done in the past at a fraction of the cost.

2. Guarantee a minimum 20% increase in gross profit sales.

3. Hold sales people accountable for performance on a weekly basis.

4. Teach and train your salespeople how to be more successful.

5. Conduct a weekly sales meeting for accountability.

6. Train your salespeople in monthly 4-hour workshops that cover more than 120 principles and skills during the twelve-month program.

7. Work with your salespeople each week to turn the training into practical applications that they are comfortable in applying.

8. Focus on goal setting, time management, organization, accountability, prospecting, referrals and helping each salesperson understand the scope of what is humanly possible.

9. Meet with Management weekly to report performance success compared to sales and profit goals.

10. Allow owners and management personnel to run the company while The Business Performance Group increases sales and profits.

Copyright: The Business Performance Group, Inc.
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