Sales Training

Most sales training programs deliver a few hours of training once a year. This leaves sales people with an emotional high for a few hours or a few days. BPG’s sales training programs works with sales people on a weekly or monthly basis to teach and reinforce principles that are integral to sales success.



12 Month Intensive Sales Training Program

The intensive sales training program consists of a “Quick Start” workshop where participants determine and realize “What is Humanly Possible”. Program goals are set based upon these numbers.

• Participants attend one workshop per month that addresses a specific topic or skill.

• Each week one of our sales trainers visits our clients for a progress review. In these reviews, our trainers help identify areas where the monthly topic can be integrated into each client’s business or industry. We also work with clients to find solutions to specific and current sales situations. Read what our clients say…

• Each month, progress is evaluated and reported to the business owner.

After successfully completing the 12 month program and achieving the outlined goals, each client earns an all expense paid vacation. Previous locations include: Thailand, Tahiti, China, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Mexico, Hong Kong, Machu Pichu, and many cruises.

On Site Sales Training Workshops

Once a month, BPG’s staff conducts a workshop on-site or at a site near your facility. Between workshops, your sales people are encouraged to put the topics and strategies to work.

• Our onsite training programs range in length from 3 – 12 months and are custom tailored to suit the needs of your business.

• Our on-site training includes all training materials including a workbook for each participant and supplements that provide follow-up instruction between training workshops.  Additionally, we have software and other digital tools that we integrate into our training.

• Businesses have the option of including an incentive program for employees who attend all workshops and achieve a pre-determined level of success. Incentives can range from event tickets to vacations depending on budget and revenue increase.

Topics of Training

Copyright: The Business Performance Group, Inc.
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