What Others Say

What a wonderful month May has been! My team and I continue to build upon the selling principles you have shared and we continue to break records for volume and revenue generated. In May we saw an increase of revenues of nearly 550% over what we did last year.

I have read about professional golf players and how the average round difference between 1st and 51st over the course of a season might be only 3 or 4 strokes. It MUST be the same for mortgage professionals. I was certainly no slouch before I started the program. I was a seasoned mortgage professional with what I thought was a very impressive list of accolades. I am 7 months into your program and I am now earning more in a month than some of my peers make in a year. Think about that! The details are so important! Thank you for helping me focus.

You and I both know this is only the beginning. I still see so many of the principles you’ve taught that I need to apply. Maybe the greatest wonder of this whole experience thus far is realizing “What Is Humanly Possible”. I think that this is where it starts to become fun!

Josh S.
First National Mortgage of Utah

I’d like to take a moment and thank you for your efforts. The Business Performance Group Sales Training and Coaching Program has been fantastic. You guaranteed that if I put my sales person in your program he would increase his gross profit sales by 20%. How can I complain with a 295% increase in gross profit?

Remember when we met for breakfast when Ken had been in the program for five months? His
increase had been marginal and I told you I was disappointed with the program. Well, needless to
say, I am glad that you conveyed confidence in it, and shared with me that you felt Ken had
finally bought into the program, and had developed a belief in himself. The very next month Ken
had a more than 700% increase in sales over his average. He has continued at this level and
finished the program with a three-fold increase over last year. Ken has four 1st place plaques on
his wall as evidence for his success in the program.

I am pleased to recommend this program to any business owner and their sales people. It is a
solid program built on sound principles of sales training, motivation and accountability. The
weekly coaching sessions, which focus on sales training review, prospect strategy, personal
improvement, and motivation are essential for success. Thanks for all you have done for us, and
continued success as you share this program with other companies along the Wasatch Front.

Best regards,
Jeff T.
Mechanical Products Utah, Inc.

Thank you for your help in the training of my sales staff. Sales isn’t one of my strong points, so it has always been an area of concern for me. I was impressed with the design of your program
that transformed a good salesman into a better one. I appreciated the personalized attention that both Mark and Wayne received.

The coaching they received each week helped them keep focused on their goals. It provided them with the encouragement to succeed. I believe they began to understand the importance of time management and the other skills you were teaching them. This is when I noticed they became increasingly more organized in their sales efforts and more focused in their objectives.

As the training progressed I noticed their excitement for the program grow. Their attitudes and enthusiasm began to improve. Not that they were bad, but they just caught the spirit of your program and were excited about the results they began to realize.

It became apparent to me that not only did they exceed their sales goals, but their gross profits increased as well. More sales with increased margins, what more can I ask for? I look forward to working with you in the future as this need arises. I would recommend this program to any organization that needs to strengthen their sales efforts.

John H
Holbrook Sales

Having a vision of what you want to achieve has been something that has helped me extremely this month to not only reach my goal but go above and beyond that. Not only did we lock in a large sale that sent me above my goal but that same customer had in a way not paid for some previous jobs. That customer ended up paying us for the past jobs and also signed for the new job.

My goal was $50,000 this month and after this sale as well as following up on some others it resulted in sales of an excess of $86,000.

It was truly a great month and my best month so far. I hope to keep reaching higher heights in the future months.

Jason H.

It was about two years ago when you first approached me about sales training for Maxwell
Products, Inc. At the time I was the President of Maxwell Products and was looking for a way
to inspire, and train our sales department. I did not realize at the time that I would also have
the opportunity to participate your sales training.

People spend a lot of money for education. College tuition, graduate degrees, but one thing
colleges do not offer is degrees in sales. BPG offers the training and coaching that will give any
sincere salesman an opportunity to gain further training that will teach them how to be a better

In my first year in the program I had a 267% increase in my sales. Others in our sales
department had similar increases. That was huge, for me personally as well as our company.
This came about as a direct result of your training program.

The weekly coaching has helped me learn to practice the skills you teach and implement them
in my daily work. I look forward each week to meeting with you, knowing that you are there as
a mentor and coach to help me solve problems and teach me how to better communicate with
and serve my prospects and clients.

I would eagerly, without any hesitation whatsoever endorse your program and encourage
anyone who is interested in improving the performance of his or her sales organization to get
involved. Sooner is better.

Larry A.
Vice President
Maxwell Products, Inc.

As one of the owners of Sugar House Moving & Storage, I hire the best sales people I can, and then expect them to get the job done. When I heard about the Business Performance Group Sales Training and Coaching program, I realized that this was a way to provide the training, monitoring, and weekly follow up for my sales people that I don’t personally have time to provide.

Last year I enrolled Jon and Aaron in the BPG program. They learned so much. The weekly coaching provided the training, monitoring and motivation they needed to be their best. Aaron increased his sales by 120% and earned the honor of top sales person in the company for several months. Jon increased his sales by 134% and received several monthly awards among his peers in the Business Performance Group Program. Both Jon and Aaron earned the exotic cruise for reaching their sales performance goals. In fact, Jon and his wife Jessica will be going on the Mexican Riviera cruise in November. They are so excited to have earned this vacation cruise.

Having had such a positive experience with Jon and Aaron, I have since enrolled David and Vic in the Business Performance Group Sales Training and Coaching Program. David has generated more new business in the short time he has been in the program than he had in the prior two years. Vic was my number one sales person until Jon and Aaron knocked him out of first place. Vic has since asked to be enrolled in the sales training and coaching program and I expect his sales to increase the same as the others.

Thanks for your efforts on our behalf. I would gladly recommend the Business Performance Group Sales Training and Coaching Program to anyone who wants increased sales but doesn’t have time to manage the salespeople themselves.

Sincerely yours,
David H.
Sugarhouse Moving and Storage

Copyright: The Business Performance Group, Inc.
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