Twenty Questions Every Sales Manager Should Consider Regarding Their Salespeople

1. Do all of your salespeople plan the effective use of their time each workday in 30-minute increments? When salespeople don’t plan their days they will never accomplish all that could be done. They will spend their time doing urgent tasks instead of focusing on important activities that will increase their sales. When time is [...]

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To Be Successful At Selling You Must Have The Prospect’s Trust

While listening to the news the other night the question was asked, “Why do people watch one newscast over another?”  The answer, “Trust.”  I believe the answer is both true and profound.  People listen to and believe those people they trust.  Selling is very similar to a newscast; in both cases, people are persuaded by [...]

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Salespeople Must Keep Score To Win At Selling

Keeping score is found in the core of human existence. From the beginning of time man has found some means of counting, tracking, monitoring and numbering everything within the human realm. In the world of sports it’s the score and the time that makes the difference between a winning team and a losing one. Selling [...]

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Successful Salespeople Are Note Takers

I used to believe that I could remember everything. I’m confident that I did remember more when I was younger than I do now, but even then I couldn’t remember it all. Have you ever had one of those “million dollar ideas” only to forget the details that made it so profound a few days [...]

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In Sales You’ve “Gotta Wanna”

Looking back over my 33 year sales career I’ve pondered many times the thought, “is there is just one principle or skill that would significantly influence one’s sales success?”  I’m convinced that there is no “magic bullet”, something so unique and different that if a sales person were to happen upon it that they would [...]

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The Ten Principles That Separate Top Sales Performers From The Rest

Have you ever paused and pondered why some salespeople are so much better than others, or why someone in your organization or industry is recognized as the top salesperson? What makes the difference? What are the defining characteristics that make one person better or worse than another in the sales arena? Why aren’t you at [...]

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