Most sales people can hardly wait to tell a new prospect all they know about their products and services. From the moment they first meet the prospect their minds are racing to tell their story. The most important part of any presentation is to ask the appropriate questions to identify the prospects true needs. To [...]
Customer ServiceWe all talk about it. We all sell it. We all claim to have the best. Customer Service – what is it really? Very simply stated, customer service is “whatever it takes to make the customer feel special and satisfied.” Customer service is more of a feeling on the part of the customer and an [...] |
How To Deal With An Unhappy CustomerIrritate one customer and they’ll tell a hundred people about their bad experience, but deal with them correctly and they will become a loyal and happy customer. Here are eight fool-proof steps to properly dealing with an unhappy customer. LISTEN – The absolute first thing to remember in dealing with a customer’s complaint is to [...] |
Become A Partner With Your CustomersVendor, preferred vendor and partner are three levels of relationships that sales people have with their customers. Unfortunately, most sales people have a “vendor” relationship. This means when the customer needs something, the sales person will more than likely submit a bid. The preferred vendor will already be on the bidding list and will receive [...] |
Capturing Your Prospects AttentionSales people are a dime a dozen. In other words, the majority of sales people are alike. Since I’m a sales person, and have been for more than thirty-two years, I can poke a little fun at my profession. We need to use every advantage we can to stand out from the crowd. One of [...] |
Identify Problems and Then Present SolutionsSuccessful sales and marketing people find out what the prospects need and then present their products and service as a solution to their need. Are we asking questions? Are we being observant? Are we listening? Selling is 100% about meeting the prospect’s needs! If you have any other agenda, your success will be minimal. Buyer’s [...] |