Belief Is Necessary For Sales Success

The auto maker and industrialist, Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re right”. No statement was ever more true for a sales person. Belief in the validity of your products and services, your company, your industry, and most importantly – yourself, are essential for sales success. Belief creates [...]

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There Are No Tricks Or Gimmicks In Porfessional Selling

We have all seen the advertisements for books offering Ninety-nine Tricks to Making Every Sale, or One Hundred Ways to Close Every Deal. Well, there are no tricks in professional sales! But there is one sure way to make all the sales possible and that way is by simply following the sales process and effectively [...]

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What To Do When The Prospect Postpones The Buying Decision

Sales is a process not an event. When sales people follow the steps of the sales process they will find greater success. When a prospect postpones the buying decision or uses the terms “maybe” or “not now”, we must go back to basics and re-qualify the buyer. Never shortcut the process and never assume that [...]

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Asking For The Sale

Many salespeople have a difficult time with one of the most logical steps in the sales process – asking for the decision. Studies suggest that in 63% of sales presentations the sales person doesn’t ask for the sale. The sales person assumes that the prospect will ask to buy if they are interested. Asking for [...]

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Selling Is Pure And Simple Communications

The successful sales process suggests that the prospect remembers what we say and processes that information when making a decision to buy. Communication is 7% what we say (the words), 38% how we say it (the emotion), and 55% visual (what they see). Don’t forget to add the sizzle to your communications by using emotion [...]

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Presentations Should Be A Dialogue Not A Monologue

Telling isn’t selling. If this statement is true, then what is selling? Selling is providing a solution to a problem that the prospect has revealed. The very best way to know the problem is to ask. Selling then is comprised of effective questioning and powerful listening. In a sales presentation the sales person should only [...]

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