If I Just Work Harder I Know I Can Improve My Sales

If I Just Work Harder I Know I Can Improve My Sales

Wrong!  Even though working hard is part of the formula for improved sales performance, it is not the answer.  I’ve known salespeople who didn’t work hard at all that out performed the hardest working salespeople I’ve ever known.  If hard work is not the answer, then what is?  There are salespeople who do the “right [...]

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The Best Way To Close A Sale

The Best Way To Close A Sale

I’m going to set the stage before I settle in and tell you the best way to close a sale.  First of all, you need to understand that closing a sale is a process not an event.  Second, if you want to increase the number of sales you close, you need to start with the [...]

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Every Salesperson Can Find Areas For Improvement

Every Salesperson Can Find Areas For Improvement

This past week I spent time training one of my client companies. There are six salespeople I am training and most of them I have been working with for several years. I must admit, they are some of the finest professional salespeople anywhere. Each one of them could out perform any salesperson working in their [...]

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We Owe Our Success In Sales, In Part, To Our Founding Fathers

We Owe Our Success In Sales, In Part, To Our Founding Fathers

Benjamin Franklin at 81 was the oldest and the most widely accomplished delegate to the 1787 Constitutional Convention. His presence represented the final public service in a remarkable career as a scientist, author, diplomat and statesman. His reputation in Europe, wrote John Adams was “more universal that that of Leibnitz or Newton, Frederick or Voltaire, [...]

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What I Would Tell My Children If They Had A Desire To Pursue A Sales Career

What I Would Tell My Children If They Had A Desire To Pursue A Sales Career

Wow! What an awesome responsibility.  Sitting at my desk writing this article I almost feel like I’m writing a last will and testament.  With that same sincerity I write these heart-felt comments concerning a career with which I have the deepest passion and the greatest respect.  A career in sales has provided me an amazing [...]

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Sales Accountability Is The Foundation For Profit And Successful

Sales Accountability Is The Foundation For Profit And Successful

Many years ago when I began my sales career, one of the administrative assistants in my department made the comment, “It sure would be nice to be a salesperson, they get to do whatever they want and come and go as they please.  What a great life!”  Now that I think about it, that does [...]

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